factor-i GmbH Zertifikatefabrik has added a new tool to the issuing process. A new Web Client now provides immediate access to all automatically generated documents and emails in the electronic file. The Web Client offers the option of searching specifically for individual issues or ISIN codes and displaying and, if required, downloading all associated documents stored in an audit-proof manner. The Web Client offers our customers convenient access to their automatically generated data on issues or issuing series. Up to now, clients searching on their own systems face challenges due to different archiving systems.

The integrated evaluation option provides a second significant advantage. For example, overviews of issues over a certain period of time or certain product characteristics can be conveniently retrieved. In addition, evaluations can be exported to an Excel document at the push of a button to start further statistical evaluations.

Clients also now have a real-time insight into the current processing status. A dashboard shows at a glance which data is still in the “queue” for processing and which data was processed last. Even with large issue volumes, the client retains an overview at all times.